
Info e Guidelines


Future career opportunities for our Master Degree graduates include positions as marine environment analysis and management experts, marine biologists and ecologists, marine and coastal resources experts, marine and coastal environmental policy experts, and human relations experts in maritime activities. All our students are asked, during the second year,  to earn 4 credits from training and orientation learning activities to be acquired through internships/placements pertinent to the preparation of the student’s final dissertation, to be carried out in Italian and/or international laboratories, companies, bodies and institutions with which the University has stipulated specific agreements.

Before being formally effective, internship programs must be:

  • approved by the Stage Commission,
  • combined with a didactic project,
  • supported by an official agreement.

Following, a list of steps you, as students, have to follow in order to activate your internship:

  1. You already know (or are in contact with) a potential hosting institution or company interested in hosting you.
    Submit your idea to the Stage Commission and ask for assistance to prepare the didactic project and the agreement.
  2. You don’t have any contact with a potential hosting institution.
    Check the list of the existing agreements directly through your personal page. Schedule a meeting with the Commission to share your interests and ideas.

Stage or internship programs are fundamental steps of your educational track; therefore, we strongly recommend you to start by focusing on your personal interests and by getting in touch with potential hosting institutions fitting with your target and preferences. Please, remember that your thesis supervisor can support you.


The Commission
Prof. Paolo Galli
Dr. Alessandra Savini
Dr. Stefano Malatesta (contact point: